• 0712 - 2511407
  • airforceschoolvsn@gmail.com
  • Air Force School VayuSena Nagar, Nagpur CBSE affiliation number: 1130860

Building and Layout

  1. Acrylic Board mounted on Entrance gate
  2. Boundary wall and barbed wire fence built around the school
  3. General Hygiene and Cleanliness well maintained
  4. Large Assembly area available with PA System
  5. Adequate Cross Ventilation, Lighting and Fans available
  6. Newly Purchased, Accident Free Furniture
  7. Interactive Smart Boards in 06 Classes
  8. Electrical wiring and switch boards fully safe and serviceable
  9.  Traffic Park available and well maintained.

Drinking Water and Toilet

  1. Separate toilets for Staff, Boys and Girls available.
  2. Aqua-UV Water Purification system installed
  3. Washing places available for children
  4. Tiling of toilets and modification for small children done
  5. Over head storage tank water available in toilets round the clock



Chemistry Lab

Sports Room


Traffic Park

Herbal Garden


Indoor Play Activity Area

Synthetic Court

Music Room

Art & Craft Room