- Syllabus coverage as per guidelines of Air HQ (D Edn).
- Teachers Diary maintained and periodically vetted by HM.
- Good quality of classroom teaching maintained
- Interactive Class room teaching adequately emphasised upon.
- Slow learners being identified, corrective measures initiated
Computer Education
- Air Conditioned Computer Lab with Qty-16 Computers on LAN
- Full Time computer Teacher available.
- Interactive CDs and Education programmes available
- Broadband Internet connection available and monitored strictly for its correct usage
- Library available with adequate books and suitable furniture.
- 1073 books suitable for children, available in library
- Children encouraged to inculcate reading habits.
Teaching / Training Aids
- Black-boards and Smart boards available
- Models and play-way teaching aids available
- Colour TV with educational and recreational CDs available
- Charts and Display boards available.
- Teachers encouraged for interactive education by utilization of modern teaching aids like -Flash Cards, 3 D models, activity/educational toys etc.
In-service Training and conduct of Education Workshop
- Four teachers have attended workshops on different subjects conducted at other AF Schools.
- Participant teachers in turn conducted similar in-house workshops for the benefit of other teachers.
Suitability of teaching staff
- A total of 23 Teachers including 01 music teacher one computer teacher on part time basis) appointed as authorized vide provisions of Education Code – 2014.
- All the teachers fulfilling qualification criteria as laid down in Education Code – 2014.
- Student-Teacher ratio of 35:1 maintained.
Co / Extra-curricular Activities
Physics , Chemistry and Math Lab
Physics Lab
Chemistry Lab
Math Lab
Indoor Play
Play Area for Tinytots
Yoga & Sports